Way to Health

HUNPA actively collaborates with the Way to Health charitable foundation of Dnipro (Ukraine).

Way to Health runs a rehabilitation center which since the beginning of the war has provided free rehabilitation physiotherapy and psychological assistance to war victims, both military and civilian, who have suffered serious mutilations, neuromuscular damage and psychological trauma.

The center first prepares patients to receive limb prosthetics with physiotherapy and exercises done with a virtual reality system specially developed by a small IT company in Kiev and then helps them recover complete independent mobility with the use of the prosthesis provided by the State. From the beginning of its activity to today, Way to Health has treated more than 400 patients, mostly young people.

During mission 0, we donated an ambulance to Way to Health to be used as a mobile clinic to carry out visits and assistance to the needy population in the war zones in Donbas, an activity that we inaugurated with our intervention and which now continues with local resources.

All Way to Health services are provided free of charge, it is therefore important that they are supported with donations. You can make yours here through the related foundation A Warm Heart' Foundation.

Strategic Edge International

Strategic Edge International is an organization based in Zurich that is our partner for missions abroad. Its founder, Edessa Ramos, was our team leader and security officer of mission 0.

SEI is responsible for preparing and assisting humanitarian workers to be able to operate in the greatest possible safety, with awareness of the particular environment in which they are going to operate.

With SEI we did the Violent Environment Preparedness Training course in Erbil, Iraq.

Edessa was our contact with Way to Health, where she had already done volunteer work.

SOS Olgiate Comasco

P.A. SOS Olgiate Comasco OdV is a non-profit volunteer organization that provides emergency medical service and medical transports in the province of Como (Italy).

The friends of SOS Olgiate donated the ambulance for mission 0, supported us in the preparation and supported our fundraising.

Like all similar organizations, SOS Olgiate lives above all on the precious contribution of volunteers and private donations.

Frontiere di pace

Group of volunteers from the parish of Santa Maria Assunta di Maccio in Villa Guardia which carries out humanitarian and peace missions. Delivery of primary goods and solidarity with direct presence in the field.

Frontiere di Pace (Frontiers of Peace) wants to carry out humanitarian and peace missions "on the field", in situations of serious marginalization, poverty and oppression in which peoples and human groups find themselves surviving.

Humanitarian missions: directly provide with resources and volunteers the primary goods (food, medicines, clothes and various equipment, etc.) that people need in emergency situations and post-emergency interventions (e.g. "A roof for Kharkiv").

Peace missions: to convey solidarity and closeness with the body, break the exclusion and isolation of bodies and to incorporate sensations, efforts and emotions.

Collection of testimonies and presentation of embodied sensations and emotions to the communities, telling the victims' stories in their own words, close to the victims' experience.